
About the Golf Club Ulm e.V.

It is no secret that the golf course in the former "Gräflich von Fugger'schen Hofgut Wochenau" (The Wochenau manor farm of the Fugger Counts) is one of the most beautiful golf courses in southern Germany, and Ulm’s primary address for golfing. This golf course, which is located approx. 20 kilometres from Ulm Münster (Ulm Minster), is the only one in the region to be listed as one of the "Leading Golf Clubs of Germany". This is a seal of quality which guarantees optimum playing conditions, professional club management and high-quality catering.

The Golf Club Ulm e. V., founded in 1963, is a registered non-profit association, which is currently managed by its Honorary Board. With its economically-sound basis and its sporting tradition obligations, the Board perceives as its tasks the fulfilment of the demands of members and guests for new playing results, and the orientation towards the future of the Association. The 18-hole golf course provides players of all standards with challenges, our forest course in particular demands accurate long playing or the right strategy. Trees, bunkers and orchid biotopes characterize the golf course, on which plenty of good players have had to work hard to prove their skills.

Over 5 years of tradition which obligates us – the Golf Club Ulm e. V.!

  • Known for forest lined fairways on the parkland course
  • Course without tee time reservation
  • Mainly flat terrain, characterised by its woods, streams and biotopes
  • Family friendly
  • Venue of the 2013 IAM International Amateur Ladies’ Championships
  • Home of rare orchids and butter-flies
  • Dog-friendly golf course
  • Tee time reservation required
  • Teaching with state-of-the-art tools (Trackman 4)
  • Catering: regional specialities without using preservatives and flavor enhancers

Leading Golf Clubs of Germany / Golf & Nature environmental program

  • Golf Club Ulm e.V.
  • Wochenauer Hof 2
  • 89186 Illerrieden
  • Telefon:                    07306 - 92950-0
  • e-Mail:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
  • Web:www.golfclubulm.de
Öffnungszeiten Se­kre­ta­ri­at

März 2025: Montag - Freitag 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

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